Homeowner Contact Procedure
- Emergency: Call 911
- Garage Door open: Contact Block Captain Chair
- Park Problems: Call the Sheriffs Auxiliary (the HOA does not manage the Park)
- HOA members are to use the Contact Us form on the Website to get to the correct Committee Chair or Board Representative for that Committee
Committee Chairs and Board Representatives
- Direct Homeowner to the website Contact Us form
- Redirect if required to the proper person for resolution
- Document Homeowner information:
- Name
- Lot number
- Address
- Concern
- Resolution
- Cover the highpoints of the concerns and resolutions at the Board Meeting
- Parapet walls (white not allowed)
- Request to change exterior colors to non-conforming Color Palate
- Exterior Construction
Landscape and Maintenance for Common Areas
- Monument sign and other Common area trees and foliage
- Contact with Pima County for Drainage Basin and Upper Urbano Open space (old 16 green)
- Signage
- Pothole repair
- Parking violations
Block Capitan
- Estate Sales
- Block Parties
- Garage door left open
- Help using the HOA website
- Help accessing your account
- Questions or problems with your account
- Notifications for Board Meetings
- Agenda Items for Board Meetings (must go through Board Representatives)
- Pay requests (must go through Board Representative first)
- Requests for copy of Budget
- Requests for copy of Association Investments
President – when all else fails